get smart

美 [ɡet smɑːrt]英 [ɡet smɑːt]
  • 网络糊涂侦探;懵懂侦探;糊涂
get smartget smart
  1. Don 't get smart with me , young man .


  2. But those blue bars get smart and still keep coming back .


  3. So don 't you get smart with me .


  4. Don 't get smart with me ; you don 't have the equipment .


  5. If you get smart with me , you 'll feel sorry .


  6. They get smart accountants to help them dodge taxes .


  7. Developers and curators will and should get smart on this front , but not too smart .


  8. Get smart : Before you even get to the car rental counter , call your insurance agent to make sure you 're covered .


  9. Get Smart : Before you leave the house in the morning , figure out how much cash you 'll need for the day , then take only that amount with you .


  10. There have been others , including the " Get smart " programme in the USA to use antibiotics wisely and in Canada the " Do bugs need drugs ?"


  11. Comedic actor Steve Carell has reportedly been tapped for a forthcoming sequel to his spy-themed action film Get Smart .


  12. Oka starred in the feature film remake of a television classic " Get Smart " and its companion DVD release ," Get Smarter ," which were both released in2008 .


  13. Bronchitis is another illness for which antibiotics are often overused , says Lauri Hicks , medical director for the CDC 's ' Get Smart : Know When Antibiotics Work ' program .


  14. First get medically smart , get physically fit you add many years to your life .


  15. First , get medically smart .


  16. And then I decided I had to get really smart , I would take this job in the west coast .


  17. After analyzing the requirement and study some real products , we present a new approach to get document smart with a page model and a data model .


  18. Okay . A man in a yoga commercial.Tina C asked , " What 's a good reason to get a smart car . "


  19. Guide dogs in training wear brown training harnesses – they don 't get a smart white one until they complete their schooling .


  20. The danger from computers is not that they will eventually get as smart as men , but that we will meanwhile agree to meet them halfway .


  21. Figure 2 highlights the new and dramatic , high-risk efforts to get to smart grid and smart meter efforts off the ground and provide new levels of control and predictability .


  22. and as he attended them to the drawing room repeated to the young ladies the concern which the same subject had drawn from him the day before , at being unable to get any smart young men to meet them .


  23. It could be big if they get some excellent smart people .


  24. If you know those answers , you do well and get to feel smart .


  25. I 'm hoping we 'll get some seriously smart linguistic programming guys and gals on the project to help us gauge quality .


  26. If you are willing to pay $ 200 for a coat why spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar ? Get yourself a smart hat .


  27. Smart people never get ruffled because their smart brains present them with alternatives faster than the bad stuff can happen . 6 .


  28. How 'd she get to be so smart ?


  29. When did you get to be so smart ? @ she asked , stunned .


  30. Smart people never get ruffled because their smart brains present them with alternatives faster than the bad stuff can happen .
